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Fleet Management





TransPac is directly integrated with your fleet management and accounting software. With customer information available on a mobile device, drivers can view customer details, fulfill orders, and print invoices all while on site with the customer. The possible connection to a measuring system allows a fully automated workflow so that the drivers can stay concentrated on their main tasks.

Key Features

  • Increase driver utilization
    Deliver daily schedules directly to driver’s mobile device, with an optimized route to ensure the maximum amount of deliveries can be completed for the day
  • Reduce costs through paperless processes
    With electronic signature capture, delivery tickets and invoices can be printed and left on site providing proof of delivery, consensus of volume, and accurate transaction details.
  • Improve customer service
    Provide detailed information to customers on order history, inventory levels, and scheduled deliveries to help improve their ordering and inventory management processes.
  • Enhance inventory management
    ERP integration allows drivers and dispatchers to know what inventory is available on each truck, enabling changes in load quantities and inventory levels to be monitored in real time
  • Simplify billing
    By delivering an invoice at the point of delivery, the time it takes for you to receive payment will decrease dramatically.
  • SaaS integration
    TransPac is a cloud-based application that integrates seamlessly with your fleet tracking and planning software, providing a complete fleet management solution that delivers valuable business intelligence to your back office systems.

Additional Resources

TS_EMEA_FleetWatch Product Brochure A4_de_2016_PREVIEW.PDF

TS_EMEA_FleetWatch Product Brochure A4_de_2016_PREVIEW.PDF

TS_EMEA_TransPac Product Brochure A4_en_2016_PREVIEW.PDF

TS_EMEA_TransPac Product Brochure A4_en_2016_PREVIEW.PDF

About Company

TouchStar is a proven leader in mobility and workforce automation, providing innovative solutions to organizations around the world.
A pioneer in enterprise mobility for more than 20 years, our goal is to solve the challenges typically experienced when managing a mobile workforce in the Oil & Gas, Transportation, and Consumer Goods industries. Through our FleetAtlas Framework, we provide a complete set of automation solutions that improve the efficiency and simplify the management of your fleet and mobile workforce


Landstrasser Hauptstraße 146-148/8/B1