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Reduce Printer Deployment Costs | Reduce Staging Costs | SOTI Connect

Reduce Printer Deployment Costs | Reduce Staging Costs | SOTI Connect

Your organization spent six months researching mobile and industrial printers. Then, it spent thousands of dollars on purchasing their printers of choice.

That’s it. Nothing more to do or spend, right?

Printers must be staged. Staging prepares a printer for its intended use. It encompasses everything from unboxing and inspection to configuring settings and network integration.

After staging, there’s deployment. Delivering printers to their destination, setting them up and getting them printing.

Staging and deployment are essential. But costs and time can be reduced with SOTI Connect.

It Takes What to Stage and Deploy All My Printers?

It’s $120 (USD) to stage and deploy one printer. That takes approximately three weeks.

Say you’re in T&L. You have 450 trucks and each one has its own mobile printer. You also have five warehouses, and each warehouse has 20 label printers. Add it up and you have 550 printers in total. Here’s what it will cost you:

  • 550 x $120 = $66,000 (that’s money above and beyond spent purchasing the printers)

Can you spend an extra $66,000 and wait an extra three weeks to get those printers operational? And what happens if, say in 12 months, 50 of those printers require replacing, but you don’t have the budget or time to do so. What then?

Why Does It Cost So Much and Take So Long?

Staging and deployment requires internal admins, third-party service providers and numerous steps and locations:

  1. Ship printers for configuration. That’s two days.
  2. Send printers to IT, where an internal admin reviews the settings. Eight days.
  3. Deliver printers to their destination. Five days.
  4. An internal or third-party technician is booked and arrives (eventually) to complete staging and test printers prior to deployment. Four days.
  5. Printers are deployed and tested further prior to use. Two days.

That’s numerous people, multiple shipping requirements and three distinct locations over 21 days – and their costs.

The good news? You can reduce printer deployment costs and time significantly.

SOTI Connect Reduces Printer Deployment Costs

Manual printer staging and deployment processes can’t compete with SOTI Connect, which eliminates numerous costly and time-consuming steps.

Simply establish printer settings in SOTI Connect. Ship the printer to its destination. Once the printer is turned on, SOTI Connect automatically discovers it, configures it and secures it. What took three weeks now takes only a few days.

Here’s how SOTI Connect enables fast, automatic printer deployments:

Current Manual Process

SOTI Connect

Time-Consuming and Costly

Fast and Automated

Time and Cost Savings

1. Ship printers for configuration

Ship printers directly to the end destination (warehouse, retail store, etc.)

Only need to ship printers once

2. Ship printers to IT

The printers are already at their destination

Eight days + cost of shipping and labor costs

3. Ship printers to their destination (warehouse, retail store, etc.)

Not necessary as the printers arrived at their destination in step one

Five days + cost of shipping

4. Book internal or third-party technician to complete staging and test printers prior to deployment

Just plug in printers and connect to Wi-Fi. SOTI Connect will automatically complete staging

Four days + labor costs

5. Printers are deployed and tested further prior to use

Printers are ready to go without any additional testing

Two days + labor costs

Get Started with SOTI Connect

When you reduce printer deployment costs with SOTI Connect, you get other benefits:

  • Faster ROI on your mobile and industrial printer purchases.
  • Less chance of human error during configuration and deployment.
  • Improved sustainability scores as many printer shipments are reduced to just one.

You’ve already spent time and money on your printer investments. Why spend more than you must on staging and deployment? Why wait three weeks to get your printers printing?

You shouldn’t. And with SOTI Connect, you won’t.

About Author

Joe Gordon
Joe Gordon VP, Product Innovation

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